My office held a costume contest Friday, and there were only two teams that really took up the challenge to work together to come up with a team theme. My team is all women except for me, so they came up with the idea to do a Zombie Slumber Party. They decked out a section of our office as a teenage zombie bedroom and then put on a ton of white makeup and black lipstick and weird black eye type zombie makeup. I know, kinda lame, especially if you're me and not particularly keen on coming into work in pajamas and definitely don't want to wear makeup.
So their idea was that I could be the Teddy Bear for the team. Lets just say that I didn't work super hard on my costume. After being the Cher portion of a Sonny and Cher duo last year, I thought I'd coast a bit this year. My costume consisted of a pair of my Grizzly Bear Slippers which I have had for a decade, and a pair of mouse ears that were the closest thing I could find to Bear ears at a Halloween costume shop on Thursday night. That was it, and yes, I looked a little goofy; but I cracked myself up, which was really all I wanted to accomplish.

We finished in second place out of two teams because the other team did such an amazing job with their theme. I have seriously never seen a better team concept, it was awesome. Direct from 1981, it was Pac Man. This was so stinking good...

Of course, my kiddos are going to do Halloween too, here they are in their cute costumes. Luke is a dragon, and Ellie is a Pink Poodle.
And just because these are are some random children I don't know in some crazy cute costumes. Happy Halloween, everyone.
Those Pac-Man costumes were AMAZING! Thanks for sharing your Halloween fun!
Yeah, the Pac-Man theme was out of this world good. I agree.
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