The Onion provided a bit of reporting, and Craig discussed AirAsia's new Oakland Raiders plane.
The highlight of the show was when The Vertically Striped Academy of Arts, Sciences, and other Neato Stuff unveiled the nominees for the 1st annual "Sockie" awards for such important categories as: Best Holiday, Sports Team of the Year, Best Color, Best Radio Show, and Best Picture (that I have actually seen this year.)
Best Dameshek Amalgamated Messageboard Network radio show is actually a "People's Choice" with the voting on dameshek.com for anyone who is interested in casting their vote. Quite a fun show, I recommend it as highly as the host of a show can recommend someone listening to his own show.
The widget below should work to get you the show, or you can always hear it by going to www.blogtalkradio.com/verticallystripedradio which is the home to Vertically Striped Radio. Check it out!
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