Monday, June 21, 2010

Vertically Striped Radio - Episode 60 - Monday Night Leftovers

It was a Leftover Monday show, as we still had 4 sets of trivia questions for 80% trivia from Saturday's show. Leftovers may not be a favorite of The Ed, but they can make for a great Monday Night show on Vertically Striped Radio. Lamont "Doug" Brown from the Major Minority Report called in and helped Face and Craig discuss a story of a 600 pound woman who hopes to someday hit her target weight of 1000 pounds. Ugh. Lamont then went on to dominate in trivia...with a major assist from Major Minority who was listening in from the other room and feeding him answers. We also had a lovebird team of Holly and Josh call in to win, and Nalax, the hardluck Pirates fan called in and performed about as well as the Pirates usually do. The High Plains Grifter also called in and did just well enough to not win, but it was fun to have everyone call in, even if only half of them were winners in the game...they're all winners in my book. (Not that they'll get a prize, though.) We finished up with a bit of NBA Draft talk from Joe, and then I played the Vertically Striped music recommendation called "Do Better" by the group Say Anything. Considering this show was put together in mere minutes, it turned out pretty darn well. Thanks to all who called, and congrats to the winners!

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